
The Cloud is Green

Cloud computing is becoming more and more common and it can transform the way your business delivers and receives IT services.

Cloud computing providers allow businesses to connect to shared servers containing shared programs. This allows you to reduce your costs because you no longer need to purchase all of the infrastructure, let alone manage and maintain it. As a cloud user, you have the ability to pay for the resources only as you need them.

Not only does cloud computing save you money, but providers of cloud computing are also administering a green, sustainable way to run a business.
A study conducted by Microsoft found that organizations, ranging from 100 to 1000 employees, can reduce up to 90% of their emissions by moving their business to the cloud.

While Microsoft only tested their products, it is safe to say the findings apply to other cloud computing solutions.

Join the thousands of businesses that have decreased their energy costs and reduced their carbon footprint by sharing “cloud” services with other users. Axigent is ready and able to support both the growth and sustainability goals of your business with cloud computing options.